Can do fire damage if enabled in config.yml

Shift Right Clicking with an active lightsaber will turn it to it's handle which can be dropped and stored. Deflected arrows will attempt to move in the direction of where the player is looking Deflects arrows while blocking(Hold right click, a shield will appear) "starwars.give" - Allows you to run /lightsaber Lightsabers: FINALLY FOUND THE OLD CODE, MIGHT MAKE AN UPDATE SOON PRIMARY TASK ATM, IS A FULL REWRITE OR MOST REWRITE AND UPDATE TO 1.17.1, ANY VERSIONS BELOW WILL NOT BE SUPPORTED FOLLOWING VERSIONS WILL BE 2.0+ Commands: /lightsaber - Gives the player the lightsaber Permissions: THIS PLUGIN IS IN BETA BUGS ARE TO BE EXPECTED AND IT IS NO WHERE CLOSE TO COMPLETE, AS THIS IS NOT THE FINAL PRODUCT DO NOT JUDGE IT FOR IT IS. Native Minecraft Version: 1.16 Tested Minecraft Versions: