This means you can only revert specific types of Settings and keep others as they currently are. A dialog appears, asking you to Select Categories to Import.When you have found the right file, select it and click Open.The backup file is named according to the following structure: "settings_*Year*y*Month*m*Day*d_*Hour*h*Minute*m*Second*s.tsi"For example, a backup created on December 31st, 2009 at 22:31:32 will be named:"settings_2009y12m31d_22h31m_32s.tsi" This means that you can access your Settings and Collection from previous updates by choosing the Backup files from the Root Directory of the respective version. The Root Directory folder name always carries the version number of the update it has been created with. Note: TRAKTOR PRO 2 creates a new Root Directory with every update. Windows : C:/ > User > *Username* > Documents > Native Instruments > Traktor 2.x.x > Backup > Settings.OS X: Macintosh HD > User > *Your Username* > Documents > Native Instruments > Traktor 2.x.x > Backup > Settings.Navigate to the Settings Backup folder in your TRAKTOR Root Directory.Click on Import at the very bottom of the Preferences window.Follow the below steps to import a backup of your Settings to TRAKTOR PRO 2: In this manner you can choose the appropriate backup file according to the date when your Settings were last in their desired state. TRAKTOR creates backup files of your past configuration and labels these backups with the precise time stamp of their creation. These settings includes all Preferences and options in the user interface of TRAKTOR except for the Collection and Playlists. mappings or audio devices are missing) have changed.

If you have checked all of these steps and are still having trouble connecting to Beatsource from your DJ software, please contact Customer Support.This article explains how to restore your TRAKTOR layout and settings from a backup if you notice that your TRAKTOR look-and-feel or its general settings (i.e. If you don't see any option to access Beatsource from the app, you may need to check your settings or preferences to make sure that you are allowing "streaming" services to show in the tree view of your software. You may need to uninstall and reinstall your software.Ĥ.

You can check the website of your chosen software for any recent updates, or select auto-updates when available.ģ. You may need to update your software to the latest version.

(This will redirect you to the Beatport homepage, you can close this window)Ģ. If you are receiving an invalid login message, but have no issues logging on to, you may need to log out directly through the API and log back in by clicking the links below: If you can't access Beatsource through your DJ software (for example, Rekordbox, Serato, Virtual DJ, Djay Pro, Traktor, etc.) please try the following steps:ġ.